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1 |  | A Study on Seepage Erosion Behavior within Two Lay-ers using Permeability Tests and FDM | | 2 |  | Assessment of The Location of Potential Shallow Slope Failure with Soil Depth and Vertical Soil Structure Data | | 3 |  | Study on The Mechanical Behavior of Gravel Formations Using Numerical Methods | | 4 |  | Annual Rainfall Erosivity Index Estimation Based on Daily, Monthly and Annual Precipitation | | 5 |  | The Characteristics of Dip-Slope Landslides Induced by The Groundwater in Free-End Experiments 45(2):110-118Su-Chin Chen[1] Kuan-Han Chen[1] Chun-Hung Wu[2]** Corresponding Author. E-mail : chhuwu@fcu.edu.tw Show preview | PDF( 6.41MB ) | The Characteristics of Dip-Slope Landslides Induced by The Groundwater in Free-End Experiments |  Close | Su-Chin Chen[1] Kuan-Han Chen[1] Chun-Hung Wu[2]* | AbstractRetrogressive sliding can be observed in groundwater-induced landslides. The major inducing factor of this phenomenon is the fluidization in the down-hillslope and the soil of the bottom-layers. Moreover, when the water content in the area around the groundwater input pipe surpasses 29%, sag in the upper soil layer can also occur. As the groundwater discharge increases in experiments with the same slope, the equilibrium time needed to achieve landslide equilibrium gets shorter and the durations of landslides also decrease. As the slope in experiments with the same level of groundwater discharge increases, the equilibrium time required to achieve landslide equilibrium gets shorter, the landsliding area in a specific time period gets larger and the total landsliding area also decreases.
Key Words : Groundwater-induced landslide, free-end, retrogressive sliding. | 〔1〕Department of Soil and Water Conservation, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
〔2〕Department of Water Resource Engineering and Conservation,Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C. * Corresponding Author. E-mail : chhuwu@fcu.edu.tw | Received: 2013/08/02 Revised: 2013/10/05 Accepted: 2014/03/28
| | 6 |  | Evaluation of Priority Order for The Landslide Treatment Using Biodiversity Index in A Watershed | | 7 |  | NETSTARS Improvement with Pier Scouring - A Case Study of Pa-Chang River | | 8 |  | Raked Pile Behavior Modeling for Analyzing Resistance of Slope Movement | |