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1 |  | A Study on Seepage Erosion Behavior within Two Lay-ers using Permeability Tests and FDM | | 2 |  | Assessment of The Location of Potential Shallow Slope Failure with Soil Depth and Vertical Soil Structure Data | | 3 |  | Study on The Mechanical Behavior of Gravel Formations Using Numerical Methods | | 4 |  | Annual Rainfall Erosivity Index Estimation Based on Daily, Monthly and Annual Precipitation | | 5 |  | The Characteristics of Dip-Slope Landslides Induced by The Groundwater in Free-End Experiments | | 6 |  | Evaluation of Priority Order for The Landslide Treatment Using Biodiversity Index in A Watershed | | 7 |  | NETSTARS Improvement with Pier Scouring - A Case Study of Pa-Chang River 45(2):128-139Hsiao-Wen, Wang[1] Hui-Ming, Hsieh[2]* Guan-Ming, Luo[1]* Corresponding Author. E-mail : hmhsieh@tsu.edu.tw Show preview | PDF( 6.75MB ) | NETSTARS Improvement with Pier Scouring - A Case Study of Pa-Chang River |  Close | Hsiao-Wen, Wang[1] Hui-Ming, Hsieh[2]* Guan-Ming, Luo[1] | AbstractThis study applies NETSTARS V3.0 by adding the calculation functions of eighteen pier scour formulas based on a comprehensive literature review to demonstrate local scour mechanisms. The study area is a reach of the Pachang Creek from the Housheng Bridge to the Chukou Bridge. We do not set the structures and weirs in the river to be scoured. Simulations are conducted by setting boundary conditions and importing information about nineteen bridges, and validations are separated into two steps as: general scouring and bridge local scouring. The best
parameters are qualified by computing error evaluated parameter to fit the changing tendencies of the Pachang Creek.Finally, long-term riverbed evolution is simulated. The results show that there are 5 bridges with erosion trends. The results can be used as a reference for one-dimensional numerical models with pier scouring functions.
Key Words : NETSTARS, error evaluated parameter, pier scour formula, scouring and deposition simulation. | 〔1〕Department of Hydraulic & Ocean Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, Taiwan
〔2〕Department of Computer Science and Multimedia Design, Taiwan Shoufu University, Tainan City, Taiwan * Corresponding Author. E-mail : hmhsieh@tsu.edu.tw | Received: 2013/08/10 Revised: 2013/10/17 Accepted: 2014/02/21
| | 8 |  | Raked Pile Behavior Modeling for Analyzing Resistance of Slope Movement | |