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3 |  | Study on The Mechanical Behavior of Gravel Formations Using Numerical Methods |
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5 |  | The Characteristics of Dip-Slope Landslides Induced by The Groundwater in Free-End Experiments |
6 |  | Evaluation of Priority Order for The Landslide Treatment Using Biodiversity Index in A Watershed |
7 |  | NETSTARS Improvement with Pier Scouring - A Case Study of Pa-Chang River |
8 |  | Raked Pile Behavior Modeling for Analyzing Resistance of Slope Movement 45(2):140-146Chien-Yuan Chen* Chi-Xun Tsai* Corresponding Author. E-mail : chienyuc@mail.ncyu.edu.tw Show preview | PDF( 1.45MB ) | Raked Pile Behavior Modeling for Analyzing Resistance of Slope Movement |  Close | Chien-Yuan Chen* Chi-Xun Tsai | AbstractPile foundation has been widely used in supporting various structures such as bridges and tall buildings in Taiwan. With the development of mountainous areas, pile foundation has been used to mitigate slope movement. Raked piles are commonly used in group piles subjected to lateral forces. In this study, we use the FLAC3D program to analyze the mechanical response of a raked pile subjected to lateral soil movement. In order to verify the correction of the FLAC3D simulation, we compare our findings with those from a published case study.The analysis of a single pile and a one row-pile in different dip angles subjected to lateral soil movement is modeled.Results of the analysis show that under the conditions of lateral slope movement, a raked pile causes the pile’s lateral displacement and bending movement to increase. Use of a row raked pile can reduce the lateral displacement of the pile. Further study is required to evaluate the behavior of raked piles when subjected to lateral slope movement.
Key Words : Raked pile, slope movement, passive pile, FLAC3D. | Department of Civil and Water Resources Engineering, National Chiayi University, Chiayi City, Taiwan * Corresponding Author. E-mail : chienyuc@mail.ncyu.edu.tw | Received: 2013/12/16 Revised: 2014/02/10 Accepted: 2014/03/31