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1 |  | The Use of a Hydrological Catchment Model to Determine the Occurrence of Temporal Creeping in Deep-seated Landslides 48(4):153-162Sheng-En Lin [1] Ya-Hsin Chan [1] Chih-Yu Kuo [1]* Rou-Fei Chen [2] Ya-Ju Hsu [3]
Kuo-Jen Chang [4] Shin-Ping Lee [5] Ruo-Ying Wu [2] Ching-Weei Lin [6]* Corresponding Author. E-mail : cykuo06@gate.sinica.edu.tw Show preview | PDF( 9.6MB ) | | | 2 |  | Application of Climate Change Scenario Data to Assess Debris Flow Impact and Volume | | 3 |  | Application of a High-Resolution Digital Surface Model Produced by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Canopy Gap Interpretation and Slope Stability Assessment | | 4 |  | Scour from Vertical Drop through Flume Experiment and FLOW-3D 48(4):188-196Hao-Kai Ho * Po-Yen Liu Hung-Pin Huang* Corresponding Author. E-mail : R04622020@ntu.edu.tw Show preview | PDF( 1.92MB ) | Scour from Vertical Drop through Flume Experiment and FLOW-3D |  Close | Hao-Kai Ho * Po-Yen Liu Hung-Pin Huang | AbstractPotential energy converted into kinetic energy through a vertical drop at the check dam or ground sill invariably attacks the creek bed and forms a scour hole. This phenomenon results in the removal of the base of a
hydraulic structure or damage to the apron, and affects the safety of the structure. This study uses FLOW-3D software
to simulate the dimension of the scour holes below a vertical drop, and compares this with the results of flume experiments.The inclusion of the scour factor with hydraulic parameters in the foundation depth of the check dam could be pertinent information for the design of energy dissipation facilities in the future.
Key Words: Check dam, vertical drop, FLOW-3D. | Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. * Corresponding Author. E-mail : R04622020@ntu.edu.tw | Received: 2017/01/17 Revised: 2017/04/13 Accepted: 2017/09/28
| | 5 |  | Elevation Variation Study in a Watershed Using Historical Topographic Maps | | 6 |  | Participation Motivation, Organizational Commitment, and Job Satisfaction for Soil and Water Conservation Volunteers | |