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1 |  | Three-dimensional Numerical Modeling of Rockfalls using High Resolution DTM | | 2 |  | Hydraulic Analysis of Water Flow Passing over Vegetated Areas with Finite Thick Soil Layers under Uniform Rainfall | | 3 |  | Using UAV and VBS-RTK for Rapid Reconstruction of Environmental 3D Elevation Data of the Typhoon Morakot Disaster Area and Disaster Scale Assessment | | 4 |  | Characteristic Analysis of Landslide Scale and Location Induced by Heavy Rainfall in Taiwan | | 5 |  | Evaluation of Rainfall-Based Sediment Disaster Warning Systems: Case Studies in Taiwan and Japan | | 6 |  | Deterministic Approach for Estimating the Critical Rainfall Threshold of the Rainfall-induced Nan-Shi-Keng Landslide 44(1):66-77Ming-Chien Chung[1]* Chih-Hao Tan[1] Mien-Min Chen[2] Tai-Wei Su[2]* Corresponding Author. E-mail : mcchung@sinotech.org.tw Show preview | PDF( 5.56MB ) | Deterministic Approach for Estimating the Critical Rainfall Threshold of the Rainfall-induced Nan-Shi-Keng Landslide |  Close | Ming-Chien Chung[1]* Chih-Hao Tan[1] Mien-Min Chen[2] Tai-Wei Su[2] | AbstractIn this paper, a deterministic approach is adopted to estimate the critical rainfall threshold of a rainfall-induced landslide. The critical rainfall threshold is defined as the accumulated rainfall when the safety factor of the slope is equal to 1.0. The process of deterministic approach first establishes the hydrogeological conceptual model of the slope based on a series of in-situ investigations and laboratory experimental results. Second, the hydraulic and mechanical parameters of the model are calibrated with the long-term monitoring data. Furthermore, the critical rainfall threshold of the slope can be estimated from the relational analysis between the accumulated rainfall and the slope stability. Finally, the critical rainfall threshold of the slope can be obtained through the integrated analysis of rainfall, infiltration, seepage, and slope stability. Taking the slope located at 50k+650 on Tainan County Road 174 as an example, the results show that the critical rainfall threshold of the study case is around 640 mm. Our preliminary results appear to be useful for rainfall-induced landslide hazard assessments. The findings can also serve as a good reference for establishing an early warning system for landslides. | 〔1〕Geotechnical Engineering Research Center, Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
〔2〕Envir. and Eng. Geology Division, Central Geological Survey, MOEA, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
* Corresponding Author. E-mail : mcchung@sinotech.org.tw | Received: 2011/12/05 Revised: 2012/04/26 Accepted: 2012/10/15
| | 7 |  | The Study of Iterative Entropy-based Classification By Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study of Wan Da Reservoir | | 8 |  | Estimation of Rainfall Threshold for Regional Shallow Landslides in a Watershed | |