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1 |  | Risk Assessment and Adaptation Strategies for Dazhong Village Landslide No.1 in Yilan County, Taiwan | | 2 |  | Determination of Landslide Susceptibilities Using UAV-Borne RGB and NIR images: A Case Study of Shenmu Area in Taiwan | | 3 |  | Analysis of the Landslide Characteristic and Building the Landslide Risk Model for Renai Township, Nantou 49(3):154-166Chun-Hung Wu[1] Jun-Tai Hunag[1] Tingyeh Wu[2]** Corresponding Author. E-mail : tingyehwu1060@ncdr.nat.gov.tw Show preview | PDF( 11.23MB ) | Analysis of the Landslide Characteristic and Building the Landslide Risk Model for Renai Township, Nantou |  Close | Chun-Hung Wu[1] Jun-Tai Hunag[1] Tingyeh Wu[2]* | AbstractThe study developed landslide susceptibility and risk models based on landslide inventory collected
after 2009 Typhoon Morakot in Renai Twonship, Nantou County. Approximately 57.0% of landslide cases induced by
Typhoon Morakot in Renai Township were located in downslope locations, whereas 20.5% were located in upslope
locations. The study created landslide susceptibility models by using logistic regression and the weight of evidence method. The accuracy of these two landslide models were 74.47% and 61.92%, respectively. The logistic regression–based landslide susceptibility model can predict most shallow landslide cases; however, it cannot predict groundwaterinduced landslides. Considering the landslide susceptibility and cost of buildings and roads, landslide loss caused by 24-h accumulated rainfall with the return period of 50, 100, and 200 years were estimated to be 1.18 × 109, 2.40 × 109,and 3.87 × 109 dollars, respectively.
Key Words: Landslide characteristic, landslide susceptibility model, landslide risk model, landslide recurrence probability. | 〔1〕Department of Water Resources Engineering and Conservation, Feng Chia University, Taichung 407, Taiwan, R.O.C.
〔2〕National Science and Technology Center for Disaster ReductionReduction, 9F., No.200, Sec. 3, Beixin Rd., Xindian Dist., New Taipei City 231, Taiwan,
R.O.C. * Corresponding Author. E-mail : tingyehwu1060@ncdr.nat.gov.tw | Received: 2017/05/10 Revised: 2018/01/26 Accepted: 2018/03/23
| | 4 |  | Effects of Anisotropic Soil Hydraulic Conductivity on Slope Stability Using a Coupled Hydromechanical Framework | | 5 |  | Assessing River Morphology and Torrent Division Point of Main Basins in Taiwan | | 6 |  | A Study of Landslide Image Classification through Data Clustering using Bacterial Foraging Optimization | |