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1 |  | The Maximum Impact Force from a Rock-fall for Rock-Shed Slab Design | | 2 |  | Three-Dimensional Numerical Analyses of the Mechanical Behaviors of Retaining Shear Piles Stabilized Slope | | 3 |  | A GIS-based Comparative Study of the use of A Logistic Regression, the Instability Index Method and A Support Vector Machine for Landslide Susceptibility Analysis | | 4 |  | The Mechanism of Landslides Caused by Typhoon Soudelor in Northern Taiwan 46(4):223-232Lun-Wei Wei [1]* Wei-Kai Huang[1] Chuen-Ming Huang[1] Ching-Fang Lee[1] Sheng-Chi Lin[2] Chung-Chi Chi [3]* Corresponding Author. E-mail : lwwei@sinotech.org.tw Show preview | PDF( 19MB ) | The Mechanism of Landslides Caused by Typhoon Soudelor in Northern Taiwan |  Close | Lun-Wei Wei [1]* Wei-Kai Huang[1] Chuen-Ming Huang[1] Ching-Fang Lee[1] Sheng-Chi Lin[2] Chung-Chi Chi [3] | AbstractTyphoon Soudelor brought high rainfall intensity in northern Taiwan in August, 2015. From AM5:00 ~ 7:00, 8th August, the average rainfall intensity exceeded 80 mm/hr and the accumulated rainfall had reached 700 mm, causing regional landslide disasters and leading to the closure of roads from AM 5:00, 8th August. For the purpose of understanding the triggering factors of these landslides, this study makes detailed field investigations and
analyzes the geomorphological, geological and rainfall characteristics. These results not only demonstrate the mechanism of landslides but also point out areas where landslides may occur during heavy rainfall events in the future.
Key Words : Landslide mechanism, debris slide, dip slope, rainfall intensity. | 〔1〕Disaster Prevention Technology Research Center, Sinotech Engineering Consultants, INC., Taipei 11494, Taiwan.
〔2〕National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, New Taipei City 23143, Taiwan.
〔3〕Central Geological Survey, MOEA, New Taipei City 23568, Taiwan.
* Corresponding Author. E-mail : lwwei@sinotech.org.tw | Received: 2015/09/17 Revised: 2015/10/23 Accepted: 2015/10/30
| | 5 |  | The Effect of Free Over-fall by Upstream and Downstream Channel Bed Slopes on Impact Position | | 6 |  | A 3-D Numerical Simulation of the Flow Field around a Porous Cylinder | |