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Vol.55, No.2, PP.053-105
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Effects of Hydraulic Factors on the Landslide Susceptibility of the Riverbank in the Chenyulan Watershed
Hsun-Chuan Chan[1]* Yu-Zhow Lin[1] Xiao-Zhu Hong[1]
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Analyzing Land Use on Slopes Through the Integration of Unmanned Aerial System Imagery With Remote-Sensing Indices
Bo-Lin Lai Yu-Shen Hsiao*
* Corresponding Author. E-mail :
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Spray Planting on Side Slopes Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: An Innovation and Feasibility Study
P.C. Shao[1] C.E. Lin[2]*
* Corresponding Author. E-mail :
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Spray Planting on Side Slopes Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: An Innovation and Feasibility Study
P.C. Shao[1] C.E. Lin[2]*

Steep and collapsed side slopes pose challenges for recovery planting. Spray planting using a remotely operated unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can serve as a safe and feasible solution for recovery planting under such circumstances. In this study, native seeds were molded into bullets and mounted onto a UAV to be precisely shot onto
side slopes with the assistance of the Global Positioning System and path planning. The proposed technology comprises
a spray mechanism, seed bullets, 40 bullet magazines, and a 100-psi air blast system to inject the seed bullets into the
side slope for germination. The seed bullets were composed of ecofriendly materials-including native species, local
soil, paper straws, and tooth sticks-all of which decompose naturally. The proposed innovative experimental plan comprises multiple stages-namely system planning, design and manufacture, site selection, spray planting tests, and recording and improvement-to establish a standard operation procedure for future application. The spray planting technique accomplished an attachment rate of 60% on side slopes steeper than 60%. After the monsoons and 2-3 months of germination, the planting site exhibited favorable preliminary results. Specifically, the germination rates of grass species were 37.5%, 58.5%, and 71% over two regions with areas of 20 m2 each. Furthermore, the germination coverage rates of tree species were 0.75, 2.1, and 2.84 saplings/m2 over a region covering an area of 55 m2. This study demonstrated a feasible and useful technology for effectively accomplishing recovery planting on steep side slopes.
Key Words: Spray planting, unmanned aerial vehicle application, seed bullet, soil catalyzing, injection mechanism.
〔1〕Department of Aviation & Maritime Transportation Management, Chang Jung Christian University, Tainan, Taiwan
〔2〕Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Cheng Kung University, NCKU Foundation, Tainan, Taiwan
* Corresponding Author. E-mail :
Received: 2024/02/25
Revised: 2024/03/11
Accepted: 2024/0424
Prediction and Assessment of Groundwater Quality in a Geographic Information System Environment Using Machine Learning Methods (Semi-Arid Regions)
Mobin Eftekhari [1]* Hossein Khozeymehnezhad [2] Ali Haji Elyasi [3]
* Corresponding Author. E-mail :
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Spatiotemporal Changes in Actual Evapotranspiration, Soil Moisture, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, and Land Use/Land Cover in the Gedeo Coffee–Based Agroforestry System of Southern Ethiopia
Tedla Getahun[1] Girma Mamo[2] Getahun Haile[1] Daniel Markos[3] Gebremedhin Tesfaye[1]
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