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1 |  | he Influence of Hydrological Events and Check Dams upon the Geomorphic Changes of the Meng-Gu Waterfall 48(3):105-112Cheng-Wei Kuo[1] Su-Chin Chen[1]* Feng-Jyi Chang[2] Kai-Xuan Su[1] Min-Chih Liang[1] Yi-Jun Liu[1] Chia-Ling Huang[1]
* Corresponding Author. E-mail : scchen@nchu.edu.tw Show preview | PDF( 5.8MB ) | he Influence of Hydrological Events and Check Dams upon the Geomorphic Changes of the Meng-Gu Waterfall |  Close | Cheng-Wei Kuo[1] Su-Chin Chen[1]* Feng-Jyi Chang[2] Kai-Xuan Su[1] Min-Chih Liang[1] Yi-Jun Liu[1] Chia-Ling Huang[1]
| AbstractThe studies of waterfalls and knickpoints have mostly focused on the erosion processes and recession
rate but have seldom discussed the influences of sediment deposition upon the morphology of waterfalls. This study
investigated the geomorphic changes and channel bed variation of the Meng-Gu Waterfall, Nanshan Stream, by comparing historical photographs and terrain surveying by UAV. The channel bed has experienced two cycles of deposition and erosion since 2004. Typhoon Mindulle in 2004 and Sinlaku in 2008 both caused large channel bed rises of 13 m. The lower step of the Meng-Gu Waterfall had been buried by thick sediment deposition and will not appear again because the rise of the base level of erosion after the check dam construction downstream in 2009.
Key Words: Meng-Gu Waterfall, sediment disaster, channel bed change, check dam. | 〔1〕Department of Soil and Water Conservation, National Chung Hsing University, Taichng 402, Taiwan, R.O.C.
〔2〕Department of Forestry, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung 402, Taiwan, R.O.C. * Corresponding Author. E-mail : scchen@nchu.edu.tw | Received: 2017/04/14 Revised: 2017/05/17 Accepted: 2017/06/06
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