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1 |  | The Study of Rockfall Mechanism at 68K on Provincial Highway No. 2 | | 2 |  | Rainfall Network Evaluation and Augmentation Using Geostatistics – An Example in Taipei City 45(3):155-164Tsung-Hsun Lien[1] Cheng-Chia Lien[1] Yii-Chen Wu[2] Ke-Sheng Cheng[2]*
Tsung-Yi Pan[1] Li-Yuan Huang[3] Cheng-Li Li [3] Yen-Hua Pan[3]* Corresponding Author. E-mail : rslab@ntu.edu.tw Show preview | PDF( 3.36MB ) | | | 3 |  | Deformation Characteristics of Consequent Slate Slopes through a Physical Model Test | | 4 |  | Geomorphic Evolution of The Dong-Ao Peak Landslide, North Eastern Taiwan 45(3):174-183Ching-Fang Lee[1]* Hsien-Ter Chou[2] Lung-Wei Wei [1] Wei-Kai Huang[1]Shu-Yeong Chi [1] Su-Chin Chen[3] Wen-Chao Huang[2]* Corresponding Author. E-mail : cflee@sinotech.org.tw Show preview | PDF( 14.34MB ) | Geomorphic Evolution of The Dong-Ao Peak Landslide, North Eastern Taiwan |  Close | Ching-Fang Lee[1]* Hsien-Ter Chou[2] Lung-Wei Wei [1] Wei-Kai Huang[1]Shu-Yeong Chi [1] Su-Chin Chen[3] Wen-Chao Huang[2] | AbstractTyphoon Megi coupled with the northeastern monsoon induced an extreme rainfall of 939 mm on the Suao area, Yilan County, in eastern Taiwan on October 21st, 2010, causing the Dong-Ao Peak landslide of 2.1 million m3 along the coastal Su-Hua Section of Highway Route 9. This study adopts a geological survey, rainfall data,satellite images, orthophotos, and high-resolution DEM based on airborne laser scanner surveys to quantify the morphological
changes before and after landslide events following major rainfall events since 2010. Rainfall frequency analysis indicates the cumulative precipitation triggering landslide events is greater than the 200-year return period.
In addition, both the entrainment effect of debris flow and toe erosion on the down-slope is shown to induce regressive
sliding failure at the adjacent roadbed. The results suggest that geological factors such as head-cutting erosion
and the concave landform shape the landform evolution of the catchment. The occurrence of landslides also depends
on antecedent earthquake events and extreme intense rainfalls.
Key Words : Dong-Ao Peak, large-scale landslide, debris flow, remote sensing interpretation, shear zone. | 〔1〕Disaster Prevention Technology Research Center, Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
〔2〕Department of Civil Engineering, National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan, R.O.C.
〔3〕Department of Soil and Water Conservation, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C. * Corresponding Author. E-mail : cflee@sinotech.org.tw | Received: 2014/04/07 Revised: 2014/05/19 Accepted: 2014/06/27
| | 5 |  | Influence of Rainfall on Landslide Susceptibility along the 50 to 110K Section of the Southern Cross Island Highway, Taiwan | | 6 |  | Combining GBIF and MaxEnt to Predict the Suitable Habitat of Alnus formosana | | 7 |  | Effects of Buffer Strips on Reducing Nonpoint Source Pollution and Improving Water Quality in Feitsui Reservoir | |