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1 |  | Stabilization Measures of Earth Embankments Through Model Tests | | 2 |  | Landslide Characteristics and Evolution of a Large-Scale Landslide in Hong-Yeh Village | | 3 |  | Estimating the Relationship between Landslide Area and Slope Unit Characteristics through Classification and Regression Trees | | 4 |  | Groundwater Flow in Unconfined Aquifers with Transient Boundary Water Tables under Time-Varying Recharge | | 5 |  | A Study on Adaptability of Groundsill Works to Riverbed Gradation considering the Stability Control 54(4):283-291Chih-Wei Lu[1] Mu-Xi Wang[1] * Wei-Lin Lee[2] Yuan-Jung Tsai[3]* Corresponding Author. E-mail : M11005218@mail.ntust.edu.tw Show preview | PDF( 18.76MB ) | A Study on Adaptability of Groundsill Works to Riverbed Gradation considering the Stability Control |  Close | Chih-Wei Lu[1] Mu-Xi Wang[1] * Wei-Lin Lee[2] Yuan-Jung Tsai[3] | AbstractIn response to the governments circular economy and net-zero carbon emission policies, the dredged soil and rocks in stream were improved on-site into materials for protection and renovation methods such as bed consolidation,so as to save the cost and time of dredging soil and rocks. "In-situ mixing method" uses the method of immediate excavation, instant mixing, and immediate use. The excavated soil and stone are directly mixed with cement on the construction site, and water is gradually added to mix until it is visually uniform. It can be directly used for backfilling and can provide erosion resistance. Mixing materials for improving structural safety and local strength
considerations. In this study, the soil collected on site was used for indoor mixing experiments, and the improvement
effect of the site mixing method was verified by numerical simulation analysis.
Key Words : consolidation works, dredging, circular economy, net zero emissions, remediation method | 〔1〕Department of Civil and Constrution Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
〔2〕National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
〔3〕Disaster Prevention Research Center, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. * Corresponding Author. E-mail : M11005218@mail.ntust.edu.tw | Received: 2023/03/09 Revised: 2023/03/27 Accepted: 2023/05/26
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